26.8./27.8.23: Anreise mit Hindernissen
..Nachdem ich mich bei meiner ersten Reise im Juni spontan in die Stadt Seoul verliebt habe, aber fünf Tage nur für einen ersten Eindruck ausreichen, bin ich nun im August erneut aufgebrochen, um Seoul und eventuell noch weitere Zeile zehn Tage zu erkunden.
Dabei war die Anreise dieses Mal sehr beschwerlich, denn der Flug verzögerte sich zuerst um zwei Stunden angekündigt, was sich dann aber auf eine Gesamtverspätung von fünf Stunden gesteigert hatte. Zudem gab es auf dem Flug einen wirklich ernsten gesundheitlichen Zwischenfall, der die meisten Passagiere um den Schlaf gebracht hat. So erreichte ich dieses Mal erst am sehr späten Nachmittag statt wie geplant am Vormittag mein Hostel in Myeondong. Zeit, früh ins Bett zu gehen, um am nächsten Tag frisch in die Stadt zu starten.
26th and 27th August 23: Difficult arrival towards Seoul
Durign my first trip in june i fell in love with the citiy of Seoul facing the problem that five day are really not enough time to see and experience the citiy life. So i decided to come back soon and started in August for my second trip to Seoul and perhaps I will seen some other places as well.
Getting to Seoul this time has been dreadful because of several flight delays which summed up to fife hours! Finally startet off to Korea we had a severe health problem of a passenger that woke up all the other people on board and which was really frightening because CPR was needed in the air. Thank god two doctors were on board which were able to manage the situation well. So I arrived instead on morning with time for a first stroll in town in the really late afternoon completely tired and worn out of the long journey. Time to go to bed early to get up fresh for a first visit of town on the next day.